Aaron Haymore

HTB Wide Writeup

Wide We've received reports that Draeger has stashed a huge arsenal in the pocket dimension Flaggle Alpha. You've managed to smuggle a discarded access terminal to the Widely Inflated Dimension Ed...

SAINTCON Minibadge Tester

SAINTCON is a cybersecurity conference organized by the Utah Security Advisory and Incident Network Team. This conference offers a range of activities, including presentations, training sessions, g...

Proving Grounds Practice Squid

Name Sorcerer OS Windows DIFFICULTY Easy Port Scan Like every machine, I started with a nmap script to identify op...

Proving Grounds Practice Sorcerer

Name Sorcerer OS Linux DIFFICULTY Intermediate Port Scan I started with a quick port scan of the machine and there ...

Proving Grounds Practice Zino

Name Zino OS Linux DIFFICULTY Intermediate Port Scan I started with a very quick nmap scan to identify open ports. ...

HTB Bashed

Notes Name BountyHunter OS Linux RELEASE DATE 09 Dec 2019 DIFFICULTY Easy Bashed Port Scan ...

HTB Optimum Writeup

Optimum Name Optimum OS Windows RELEASE DATE 14 Mar 2017 DIFFICULTY Easy IP: Port...

HTB Devel Writeup

Devel Name Explore OS Windows RELEASE DATE 14 March 2017 DIFFICULTY Easy Port Scan The first...

HTB Shocker Writeup

Notes Name Shocker OS Linux RELEASE DATE 14 Mar 2017 DIFFICULTY Easy IP: Port Sc...

HTB Legacy Writeup

Notes Name Legacy OS Windows RELEASE DATE 14 Mar 2017 DIFFICULTY Easy IP: Port Sc...